Izmir Jewish Community
Izmir Jewish Community is the main applicant for this project. Having an ever diminishing population, the community continuously loses its power to influence social and cultural processes. The platform will be a mean to empower the community through especially the cultural legacy which is very meaningful to the economy of the city.

CITY-IZ Association
The association for the preservation and promotion of Izmir city values, or “Our City Izmir Association”, aims to undertake necessary initiatives to introduce the urban values into society. The association is committed to turning the city into a brand by conserving its historical assets and preserve the historical and cultural richness of the city.
Local, National and Global Jewish Communities
IJCF will bring together the European Jewish associations, foundations and networks, the civil society organizations of selected vulnerable groups, local and national public administrations of Turkey. The platform will be building bridges for transparency and trust through sharing of knowledge and experience to restore and preserve the historical heritage of Jews, who migrated from Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Russia, and Ukraine integrating with Sephardic culture and creating the cultural mosaic of Turkey.
Disadvantaged Groups of Civil Society
The platform activities will include responding to the needs of civil society organizations of disadvantage groups enabling their access to local and national public administrations, media for bringing in the issues related to their constituencies needs to public attention and resolve. Moreover, they will be the part of decision-making process for designing the master plan of Havra district, establishing strategies of the platform, participate in monitoring and evaluation processes. Their network with media will also be strengthened.
Citizens of Izmir, Municipalities, Government
“Cultural and heritage tourism is a tool of economic development that achieves economic growth through attracting visitors from outside a host community, who are motivated wholly or in part by interest in the historical, artistic, scientific or lifestyle/heritage offerings of a community, region, group or institution.”